Second Degree

Sunday, October 26, 2014

I don't know about you, but my world has been a whirlwind during these last few weeks.  A lot has happened really quickly and I continue to learn things throughout this process. 

As we all move through life, the people that we count on are those we keep closest to us.  They are those we count as our closest friends and our dearest confidantes.  They are the folks that support us through the tough times and tell us how wonderful we are ... all of the time.  I have leaned on these people in the last three months in ways that I can barely describe.  I will always be thankful to each and every one of them.

In the middle of everything, though, there was something else I learned.  Within this group of closest friends, and it is the same for all of us, we all have the same information.  We all  know about the same open jobs, the same opportunities, and the same things that the rest of the group knows.  I think that it is part of what makes this group really comfortable for us.  It often even seems that this kind of group has its own language.  If you doubt what I say, spend a little time around high school or college students who are close friends with each other.  You will quickly learn that they know their universe very well and those of us on the outside are barely able to understand their language, either spoken or written.

Okay, now comes the part that was most interesting for me.  It is not necessarily from within this group of our closest friends, that the most unusual, wide-ranging opportunities come from when you are in the middle of a job search.  The most interesting leads come from the friends of your friends, or maybe even one level beyond that.  Now you may ask why I think this is true.  I believe that it is because as you go out into the levels of relationship, that is the point that you find people who are operating in completely different circles.  They are just like all of the rest of us, they have friends and acquaintences that they count on, the only difference is that their sphere of influence comes from a different overlap with the person whom we know quite well.

So, through this comes the power of a tool like Linkedin.  This is a place that glories in the layers of relationships beyond our closest friends.  It is about your entire network, all of the levels and all of the things that those levels know.  I have thought about the connections that are out there, but I have not spent enough time growing those relationships.  It is something for me to work on going forward because now I understand that within these levels are found ideas that are different than those I typically find in my circle of close friends. 

Once I begin to assimilate these new and fresh ideas from the extended network, I need to come back to my closest friends, who will help me think through what to do with them.  Well, that is what I have been thinking about this week.  I really need to figure out the best way to ask all of these smart, interconnected people questions so that I start with the widest range of possible solutions to the things that I face.

How about the Toybox?  Well, I am up to my armpits in projects.  First, there is a bunch of work we are doing for YESS for their upcoming Human Foosball tournament.  Oh, and by the way, if you have not yet signed up, there are still just a few slots open for your team and it should really be a good time.  Lets all work to make Max's event a monstrous success.  Then, I finally got the call that the lumber is ready for Terri's table.  This needs to be done for Thanksgiving.  Wow, that is really just around the corner.  We will just have to see what is possible.  You all know of course that I want this to be beautiful.  Then after that I have cutting boards to do for YESS and some for a curling bonspeil in Maine.  Looks to me like sleep may truly be optional between here and the end of the year.  Actually though, I am very excited about all of the work.  Keep your fingers crossed that I get it all done.

Have a GREAT week


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