
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Several weeks ago, I had the good fortune to hear Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, speak about leadership.  One thing he talked about was that in identifying your true leadership skill, you will also find that is where you seem to have the greatest insight.  I thought it was interesting, and have obviously been thinking about it, but I have come up with an idea equally as powerful and maybe more directive in our lives.

I contend that when you identify the activity which causes time to stand still, that is the center of your true passion.  There is no question that the place this happens for me is in the shop.  Sara would be the first to tell you that in all the years of our marriage, it is the one place I go and really lose myself.

Interestingly enough, time does stand still at the Toybox, not just figuratively, but even more than that.  I have three clocks there, all of them battery powered, the kind of movement which uses a AA battery. They typically run very well and for a long time.  But that is not the case at all with these clocks.  I have to replace batteries often to assure I have the correct time.  I have come to believe it is the universe’s way of telling me that the Toybox is where I belong.

So, what deep and profound thought should I take from that?  The beginning of January is always a good opportunity to look back at the last year and forward to the coming year.  If you are a regular reader, you know something about my last year.  It was a year with many challenges, but overall, it was a great year with plenty of things to marvel at. There were more than a few messages telling me there are times when someone was looking out for all of us.  One thing I haven’t really written about is that 2012 was when I decided to take more control of my own health, and I currently weigh less than I have in a more than a decade.  Time will tell if I can continue this journey, but, so far so good. 

Now what about looking forward?  Since I bought the Toybox I talked very quietly about things I wanted to do and now it is time to make them happen.  In 2013, I will have an Open House to let folks know what I have been doing at the Toybox, and I will make it enough of a business to cover its utility bills.  Just to be clear, these aren’t monstrous hurdles, but I believe we get to big results by beginning with small successes. 

So, I guess that you could say this is my manifesto.  It is what I commit to in 2013 in order to change what has been my life and to spend more time in the place where time stands still.  I have a handful of friends who have been doing the same over the last few years and I am very proud of them.  I am a late starter, but I have begun.  I know each of you have a secret passion and you would like to let it loose in public.  Will 2013 be the year that you finally make it happen?  Is there a way that I can help you find your way forward?  Let’s work together to move this whole tribe forward.  When we come to the end of 2013 and look back, let’s meet back here and share the progress we have made as a group.  Are you ready for the challenge?


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