But … ready for what? Ready to build new projects for our home. Ready to fix things that would otherwise end up in the landfill – giving new life to items that had outlived their expected life spans. Most importantly though, it is ready for me when I need to do something physical and put all of the thoughts of the day behind. I hope each of you have a place like that as well.
I’ve written about passion and money and I want to return to that today. A friend sent me an article about passion that really made sense to me. We must learn things to support our passion, even if they aren’t directly on course.
“Knowledge, discipline, generosity. If you pursue those with all the determination you possess, one day before too long, without you even knowing it, the chance to realize your most spectacular dreams will come gently tap you on the shoulder and whisper... let's go. And you'll be ready.” TED’s Chris Anderson addresses Harvard’s graduating architects
I would encourage you each to read the entire speech Chris Anderson gave to that graduating class. He had a lot of good things to say, and many made me consider where I am, and where I would like to be. I have put in place the mechanism that can catapult me to the place I would like to end up, now I will continue to pursue things that support my passion.
This means three things to me. First, I will continue to be engaged and involved with those that I know. This group has always been the most supportive and has always helped me to think about what is next.
Second, I will continue to develop skills that make me a better craftsman. This means I will continue to build for family and friends, working diligently to find better techniques and ways to do things.
And third, I will think about what skills I need to add to the set of personal “tools” that I possess now. Do I need to be a better public speaker? Do I need to learn to weld?
And then I need to show patience and perseverance and wait for the opportunity to present itself….and it will.
As many of you know, we’ve had some troubling medical news in our family as of late. I will do anything and everything my daughter needs me to do to help her to be 100% again. But, and I know she will agree with me, part of taking care of her is taking care of myself as well. And for any of us to do that, we need to continue to grow. So, grow I will.
How about you?
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