Time Well Used

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Are you spending more time at home than usual? Yes, that's a ridiculous question. I know you are, just like the rest of the world. We are all trying to decide how to stay sane ... and fair with those who are now around us all the time. But if there is a question about what's important these days, this is the answer. We have to keep each other safe and sane until we find out where the other end of this tunnel is.

Have you taken up a new hobby? I know of people using this time to latch-hook a rug, something they have never done before. Some are knitting again, or sewing, anything to help make the time go by. When all is said and done, we will look back at Christmas 2020 and realize there were more personally-made gifts than ever before or after.

All right, if not a hobby, have you attacked a long-overdue project? I will tell you without question my shop is cleaner than it has been in years. I honestly don't know if this is a plus or a minus. I should use the time to make things, but for some reason, cleaning and organizing has been more reassuring than actually working on projects. This has to change and it needs to happen quickly. I still have a long list of projects to tackle and not moving forward on them is not good. But my shop is beautiful.

What about improving communications with friends and family? People who are committing to stay in touch with others better than usual. Sara has a friend she now calls on Thursday every week so they can check on each other. This isn't a bad plan, and here's a hint from my old Payless days. It really is all right to use a calendar app to help you remember. The member of our group of managers who had the reputation for being the most outgoing and communicative with the rest of us did this. It took us a while to figure it out (I was Wednesday every other week), but even after we figured it out, we were good with it because whatever the tool, we stayed in touch. Maybe you could take more time to talk to those in your circle (figurative circle of course). I've talked to my son and sister more lately than usual and it's been wonderful.

Below is a quote from Seth Godin's Friday the 13th blog post last September.

A useful definition of art

Art is a human activity. It is the creation of something new, something that might not work, something that causes a viewer to be influenced.

Art uses context and culture to send a message. Instead of only a contribution of beauty or craft, art adds intent. The artist works to create something generous, something that will change us.

Art isn’t painting or canvas or prettiness. Art is work that matters.

It’s entirely possible that you’re an artist.

Everyone can be, if we choose.

Maybe now is the time for all of us to be a little more of an artist. Maybe now is when we create something new, or as Godin says above, "something that will change us." In my attempt to do this, I have gone back to work on my Etsy page and added several things. Go take a look and see what I'm doing. Let me know what you think of the things I've been working on. The link is  https://www.etsy.com/shop/ToyboxWoodworking

If you have "art" you've been spending time on, please share it. I would love to see how you are spending this extra time we have all found ourselves with lately.

Have a great weekend, and please, do your best to stay safe and sane.


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