
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tuesday night I was working at the Toy Box when it struck me how many ways we plateau in our lives. The one that is of course the most personal to me regards weight as I have spent a lifetime attempting to lose it, only to plateau time after time and find myself unable to push through to the next level. 

It is surprising though as you really take time to contemplate it, how many other examples there are.  Take the project I am in the middle of.  I have about exhausted the lumber I bought for the project and have nearly accomplished all of the work I was committed to in this stage.  I have hit a plateau.  And as I sit and think about it, I kind of seem to be rocking back on my heels, saying "That is OK."  Why am I not pushing forward to the next step of the project?

At work we all face the same thing.  I have spent a lifetime of trying to make things better: operations, sales, etc.  I have had a good deal of success in many of these things, but have always faced a plateau level that I seemed to be comfortable with.  And, as I look back across my career, that is typically when I got bored with what I was doing.

Alright, some of you know that one of my favorite authors is Seth Godin.  I think I may be having a moment where Seth would tell me that I heed to push my lizard brain out of the way and just "ship."  For those of you not initiated into the Godin way, in this case this means "Just Do IT."  So, I will regroup, set a larger goal and try to not let progress flatten out into a plateau.  This is my commitment for the day.  What is yours?


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