Well, the end of the year has caused me to start looking back at a lot of different things, thinking about the upcoming tax season and all of the fun that comes with it. Interesting. Even as I wrote the words 'tax season,' a wave of memories flooded through me. After my father died, the part of the legal practice that mom was able to keep was the "J Leo Martin Tax Service." This was the family business that really got me through college and launched on this ride called "being an adult." Tax season at the Martin household was a real ride, probably much like that for any of you that had or have a tax professional in your life. I remember Christmas as the lull before the storm. You could just tell that mom was thinking about what was coming at her. In later years, when I was in college, I even helped by setting up all of the accounting pages that she used to run the business. It was all part of the preparation that happened around the holidays. Quiet times but pensive, thinking about the immediate future.
Then, after the first of the year, all hell broke lose. Mom almost immediately started working the bulk of every day, 18-20 hours. Her office was in our basement, but it's not like we saw very much of her. We also needed to remember that when we got home at the end of the day there were still a couple of hours that she would have clients. We always had to remember to be quiet. Additionally, there was work that came with the business. I was responsible for making sure all of the snow was off the drive before I went to school. This required some really early mornings. and of course, as we all remember, we had a lot more snow in those days than we do now. I had to empty the trash cans out of the office every night and burn all of the contents, as nothing from the business could accidentally show up somewhere else. Since so many more people smoked then, it was always possible that someone had flipped a butt into a trash can and it would turn into a fire overnight. More than once Mom or Saundra carried a burning trash can outside. This was the reason Mom only used metal trashcans.
January 2011 - Not much there yet. |
Anyway, lots of instant memories about the tax business, but it provided us a good life and it allowed mom to be free in the summer when we were off school. Okay, back to the real topic of this week. As I was thinking through all of the end of the year stuff it struck me that as of December 2014, I'd been in the Toybox for four years. Wow. That time rolled right by. A nice thing about this though, is that in just one more year, the interest rate on the loan for the Toybox drops significantly. That is a great thing. But - probably just me being way too pragmatic. On the more personal side, the place helps to keep me sane. Whether I am working on a big project for family or friends, or just messing around sharpening a chisel and figuring out how to organize the place, I love my time in that space. It is my true point of balance.
Four years ago, when I started out there, it was nothing but a shell and through hard work, and some disposable income, it came to the point that it is today. But that isn't the end of the story. It will continue to change, evolve, and recreate itself based upon the kind of woodworking that I do. Or, and this could happen, whatever size flat screen gets handed down out there and ends up on the wall. Entertainment and work really need to go hand in hand, at least I think so.
January 2015 - Big changes. Kind of exciting! |
As for the Toybox and its current happenings, I have just taken on the biggest project in my life. I am helping YESS equip their new library with shelves. Today was the serious start to the work. I cut up 38 sheets of Roseburg D-3 maple plywood and turned it into several hundred pieces that will come together in the next month to be shelf units. Also, for any of you who are woodworkers, that product is beautiful for what it is. The face is a whole piece face (no splices) and the back, although showing more dark wood, is still really good. So, if you have any maple projects coming up, consider it. I even took the time today to give the Roseburg Forrest Products rep a call to tell him how good it looked. I figure that they receive enough bad calls, once in a while they should get a good one.
Enough rambling. Four years down, a whole bunch left, I hope. And believe it or not, I am approaching 100 blogs. Bet some of you never thought that I actually had this many words in me, right?